“Each day we practice the highest standard of safety for our workforce, communities, and people around us.”
Core Value — SAFETY
Read more about our Core Values
Respect * Team * Safety * Integrity * Responsibility
Safety & Sustainability Policy
We are committed to Sustainable Development that supports the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Our purpose is to make a difference by responsibly developing natural resources, and improving people's lives now and for generations to come.
In alignment with the Ambler Metals LLC Code of Conduct we:
Provide and maintain a safe workplace so that our people, contractors, and visitors go home safe and well;
Identify and manage risks, impacts, and opportunities within our operations and host communities;
Are responsible stewards of the commodities we extract and the natural resources we use, while promoting enduring environmental, social, and economic benefits;
Create shared value with our stakeholders;
Implement our approach to climate change to reduce emissions and build climate change resilience;
Respect and promote human rights;
Recognize indigenous and land-connected peoples’ relationship with land, water, and the environment;
Continually improve our systems and processes by working with suppliers, customers, and communities to drive our performance;
Meet our legal and other agreed commitments in all jurisdictions in which we operate; and
Publicly report our progress and encourage high standards of transparency and accountability in our business governance, risk, and government interactions.
Approved by Ramzi Fawaz, President & CEO, May 13, 2021